Problem Statement : Implement a function that takes a list of async functions as input and a callback function and executes the input tasks in parallel i.e all at once and invokes the callback after every task is finished
Input: executeParallel( [asyncTask(3), asyncTask(1), asyncTask(2)], (result) => { console.log(result);});
Output: // output in the order of execution [2, 1, 3]
function asyncParllel(tasks , callback){
// so results is an array
const results = []
// tracking tasks which are excuted
let tasksCompleted = 0;
// run tasks
// invoke async task which can be promise so chain a then
// store the output in results
// increment tracker
// if all tasks are completed , invoke callback
if(tasksCompleted >= tasks.length){
I have used for each loop on each task and executed them , so i need tracker because of this tracker i can know how many tasks are completed , so we do this because invoking a callback at the end of loop won't work because i don't know when they may finish
That's it for now
Have a great day