5-min frontend part - 1

5-min frontend part - 1


1 min read

let randomValue = { name: "Sagar" }
randomValue = 23

if (!typeof randomValue === "string") {
    console.log("It's not a string!")
} else {
    console.log("Yay it's a string!")

Answer is "Yay it's a String"

Let us know why

So basically is a JIT compiler right? it goes to first line sees randomValue has a object and then it is reassigned to 23 which is a number , basically typeof of randomValue is number right??

now we are having a check what happens is !typeOf randomValue which means !number so what number === true but !number === false right??

so when i am doing false==="string" it is false so if condition fails and console prints "Yay it's a String"

Thank you have a great day